Product Management

This project contains everything you need to be a great PM!

  • Books on Product Management

  • Customers Interview

    • Guide: Customer Research and User Research

    • User Experience Research vs. Market Research for product design and development

    • Template: Enterprise customer research interview

  • Your Guide to Collaborative Design

  • Get Your Team to Crush Their New Year Goals with These Visual Tools

  • The Quick Guide to Creating a Proper Product Roadmap

  • Building Culture While Staying Remote

  • How to Write a Business Project Proposal that Gets Approved

  • The Best Ideation Techniques for Remote Teams

  • Product Manager Career Path

  • Hype and Adoption cycle

  • OKRs

  • The Art of Giving Constructive Feedback with Real-Life Examples

  • Amazon's Internal Press Release

  • Do you need a meeting?

  • Meeting Questions

    • Cross-team Collaborative Meetings

    • Virtual Brainstorm Meetings

    • Monthly/Quarterly Team Meetings

    • Daily/Weekly Standup Meetings

    • Organizational Feedback

    • Teamwork & Collaboration

    • Work Responsibilities & Performance

    • Goals & Alignment

    • Recognition

    • Work Satisfaction

    • Career growth & Development

    • Feedback

    • Remote teams

    • Manager Support