Your Product Manager Career by PlayStation Sr PM, Fabio Mattiussi

I`m a Product Manager? now what?

Find A job

Shotgun Approach (Max Volume)

  • List all job boards (Linkedin, Indeed...)

  • Create profiles on all of them

  • Subscribe to their notifications

  • Define a daily routine to

    • review all new job posts

    • apply to at least 10-30 positions per day

    • write to your contacts to see if there are openings where they work

Find YOUR job

Sniper Approach (Best Fit)

  • Consider the following frameworks to aim at what are the companies and roles you really want to work with.



  • 1-2 Product Managers

  • Visibility

  • Responsibility

  • Workload

  • Overlapping Skills

  • Time to Market

  • Culture

  • Development Tools

  • Growth Opportunity

Big Corp

  • 100s of Product Managers




  • Impact on Product

  • Control on Product Choices

  • Accomplishment/Belonging

  • Product Variety

  • Industry Diversity





Close to End User

  • Data Availability

  • Qualitative Inputs

  • Quantitative Research

  • Market Visibility

  • Competitor Analysis


Farther from End User



Fewer Business Clients

  • Requirements Gathering

  • Qualitative User Feedback

  • Prioritization Autonomy

  • Goals & KPIs Definition

  • Market Segmentation


Many End Users

This adds up to over 20 dimensional decision space.
Looking at each parameter, how it interacts with all the others, can make it difficult to make a real decision.

How do I navigate this to create an actionable.


Gut Feeling

Write down your top 2 choices. Explore them emotionally. Share your feelings with someone close.


Data Driven

Create a Weighted. Decisional Matrix.

Map all the parameters we explored so far and score them

Order Job/Roles by Fit Score and Take the First.

Summarizing: Takeaways

Do Your Own Research

  1. Before applying

  2. During the Interview Process

  3. Connect with current employees

Be Clear on What You Want

  1. List all parameters

    1. Size

    2. Scope

    3. User

    4. Biz. Model

  1. Prioritize Them

  2. Score All Options

Take Your Time to Decide

  1. Consider all final options

  2. Play scenarios

Fabio Mattiussi, PlayStation Sr PM