Working With Cross-Functional Teams by Microsoft Sr PM, Chakkaradeep Chandran 

How to work effectively with cross-functional teams. 

As a product manager you are the CEO of you product. 

As a product manager, you are the CEO of your product. But this is not always the case. As a product manager, you still don't have the authority. But you are Accountable.Product Managers need to work with various cross-functional teams.  

Work with cross-functional teams. 

Why is it hard. 

  • Different Goals.  

  • Different Priorities.  

  • Different Products.  

  • Teams Alignment.  

  • Leadership Alignment. 

Managing relationships is hard. 

Common challenges. 

  • Gaining trust. 

  • Organizational Alignment. 

  • Effective Communication. 

What Product Managers can do. 

  • Understand each other's domain. 

  • Be outcome driven. 

  • Build relationships. 

Understand each other's domain. 

  • Do you homework. 

  • Meet and Greet. 

  • Get to know about their product, work and culture. 

  • Listen first, clarify later. 

  • Use a shared vocabulary. 

Be outcome driven. 

Turn conversations into outcomes-driven.  

Understand each other's goals.  

  • The sales team's goal could be that they want to drive up the revenue by x%. 

  • The engineering team's goal could be to move quicker with release to production cycles every sprint. 

Find the common ground. 

Build relationships. 

  • Get to know each other and build trust. 

  • Share challenges and outcomes together. 

  • Help each other succed. 

  • Learn/Fail together. 

  • Stay connected. 

Chakkaradeep Chandran, Microsoft Sr PM.