Virtual event plan example

Pre-event preparation

  • Define the theme and objectives of the virtual event

  • Determine the target audience and invite participants

  • Choose a virtual platform and test its functionality

  • Establish a budget for the event

  • Develop a virtual event schedule and format

  • Plan and arrange for virtual food and beverage services

  • Hire virtual event staff and volunteers

  • Obtain necessary audio and visual equipment and lighting

  • Coordinate with speakers and arrange for their technical setup

  • Secure sponsorships and partnerships

  • Promote the event through various channels (e.g. social media, email, websites)

Event day

  • Open the virtual platform and begin the event according to the schedule

  • Provide virtual food and beverage services

  • Offer virtual entertainment and other activities

  • Facilitate virtual sessions and workshops

  • Facilitate virtual networking opportunities

  • Provide support for speakers and participants

  • Facilitate virtual media coverage and interviews

End of event

  • Announce virtual event results and thank participants and speakers

  • Close the virtual platform

  • Collect and distribute virtual equipment and materials

  • Prepare post-event reports and invoices

  • Thank virtual event staff, volunteers, and sponsors for their support

  • Follow up with participants and speakers