The Soft Skills Every PM Needs by Microsoft Product Leader, Harsh Govind

What are soft skills? 

  • Personal attributes that enable someone to interact to effectively and harmoniously with other people! 

  • Habits, Attitude, Personality traits that help you relate to your colleagues, your friends, family & the world. 

Why soft skills are important? 

  • Grand Vision 

  • Big Plans 

  • Multiple cross-team workings 

  • Product Management => Leadership 


  • Is that even a skill? 

  • PM must resolve multiple issues? First Step - Anticipate Issues! 

  • PM can be experienced or not, everyone gets blindsided by challenges 

  • PM must always find better ways to do things. 

  • Difficult situations make a PM stronger! (practice) 

How to enhance the skill? 

  • Communicate, communicate, communicate... 

  • Data, data, data... 

  • Keep competition in perspective - learn from their wins/mistakes 

  • Retrospect the difficult situation 


What's wrong with being confident? 

  • PM must instill confidence in the teams. 

  • PM is responsible for driving the product roadmap 

    •   Does it mean they need to take over the tasks if there is a risk of failure 

    •   Should they immediately look for alternate solutions themselves to mitigate risks. 

How to be more confident? 

  • Delegate, delegate, delegate...  

  • Motivate, motivate, motivate...  

  • Don't make all the decisions! Assign responsibilities 

  • Mico-manage like crazy. Never! 

  • Support your team & partners in good times and bad times. 


Seriously? What is the relationship with PM activities? 

  • PM is responsible for the contagious enthusiasm across all teams 

  • The never-ending cycle of build-measure-learn takes a toll on the product teams. 

  • Positive & enthusiastic attitude is critical to workplace success. 

Forever enthusiastic... 

  • Share, share, share... 

  • Listen, listen, listen... 

  • Logical, repeatable, product development frameworks! 

  • Must have a sounding board 

Forever enthusiastic. 

  • Share, share, share... 

  • Listen, listen, listen... 

  • Logical, repeatable, product development frameworks! 

  • Must have a sounding board 

Every day, learn from your successes and what went well and what didn't go as planned. Make yourself two buckets, a bucket of success and a bucket of experience. Good luck! 

Harsh Govind, Microsoft Product Leader