Product Led Onboarding by Pendo VP of Design & Research, Cameron Moll

In product-oriented organizations, the product is the beating heart of that organization. People do high-performance work, and the product does the hard work. All parts of the business are managed by the product, but all functions in the business are part of this experience based on the product, finance, sales, marketing. They all unite around the product and everything they do exists inside the product.

Align around the product

A product can solve key business problems by moving from what people can do to what a product can do. Each function strategically thinks about how to move from human leadership to digital product-related activities. The best candidates are those who have a large volume and low cost.

Onboarding. Strong First impression  

How to make a product that does not lead to any human experience as good as a product that leads to a person? One of the best ways to do this is to define an AHA MOMENT.

AHA MOMENT is the moments of intersection of analyzing all the actions that users take and viewing the users who save, and determining the coincidence between these two things and where this coincidence is strongest.

Baseline Retention vs Create an Audience Segment  

Choose your palette of onboarding building blocks 

  • Walkthroughs 

  • Tooltips 

  • Lightboxes 

  • Landing pad/placement 

  • Knowledge base 

  • Email 

  • People 

It is not enough to stop at the AHA MOMENT, you need to repeat the experiment to find out what the true AHA MOMENT should be.

Measuring succes 

  • Time to first use/meaningful use 

  • Customer sentiment 

  • Retention over time 

The product is no longer just one part of the customer experience; it is the experience. 


  • Gather the data. 

  • Specify what “new user” means. 

  • Identify and lean into key Aha Moments. 

Cameron Moll, Pendo VP of Design & Research