Predictable Innovation: Use Jobs-To-Be-Done by Meta Product Leader, Ijoni Meta

What`s the job of a PM?

Typically, a PM's job is described as the intersection of design, research and engineering, marketing and compliance, sales operations, customer success, and so on. In addition, it is enriched with a vertical dimension, managing with different levels of seniority, as well as temporary. This is a 4D experience or role. Over time, you can change directions, adding more value, depending on the opportunities.
So what are you doing?
Your strategy is to create a rich set of tools and frameworks that you can have under your belt.

Today you can start thinking using new frameworks. It's called work to be done that will make you a better leader when you think and discover the needs of your clients. Quite often, this work is carried out along with the design of marketing research, depending on the specific organization and team sites.

The work to be done is a new perspective. It is a unique insightful way to describe customer markets and needs and articulate opportunities.

The most innovative organizations turn innovation from an art into a predictable and measurable science experiment.

People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole. - T. Levitt

Principles of the theory of work to be done:

People buy products and services to get a job done. This is a simple economic principle.

  • Accomplish tasks

  • Achieve goals or objectives

  • Connect Emotionally

  • Establish socially

New language emerges when the “Job” becomes the unit of analysis.

Define the market.

Traditional lens.

Markets are defined around products, verticals, demographics, etc.

JTBD lens.

A market is a group of people and the job they are trying to get done.

Define the needs.

Traditional lens.

Needs are solutions, benefits, requirements, gains, exciters, specs,latent, etc.

JTBD lens.

Needs are the measurable outcomes that people want to achieve when getting a job done.

Identify unmet needs

Identified as

By measuring level of importance and satisfaction for a need / outcome, we can identify areas of opportunity.

Segment based on needs

Traditional lens.

Segments are personas, use cases, people with different attitudes,demographics, etc.

JTBD lens.

Segments are subsets of people in a market, each with a different set of unmet needs.

Innovate around needs.

Ideate a solution that gets a job done better/more cheaply.

Build a winning strategy

Observe competition through a new ideas.

Ijoni Meta, Meta Product Leader