Who is it for?
Why is it important?
How is it different from existing products in the market?
How confident are we in product/market fit?
What is the goal?
Revenue projection
You need to understand what team you are going to decide what value you will get. Then you can think about income.
Analyze your competitors
Form your stakeholders
Understand the local laws and compliance
Build a prototype
Define your MVP and OKRs
Plan your infrastructure
Identify your dependencies
Track risks
Build diverse team
Define Release schedule
Channel continuous customer feedback
Form CCB board
Build an operational model
Evangelize the launch
Track usage & metrics
Build your backlog-ready for v2
To create a successful product launch, you'll want to conduct market research and focus groups to determine the true benefits and differentiators of your product.
Understand what worked what are the metrits/determits of those products
- Clarify your purpose
What is your valueprop
Core team forms product managers, technical pms, dev managers.
Supporting team forms the team that you will regularly consult – infrastructure, support, legal team, finance etc.,
Producting marketing team to understand the landscape
Cab team to validate your hypothesis and early bird testing.
Build on the foundation of security, privacy and trust
Understand local laws and have your products engineered to meet them
Give customers their control of their data
Transparent engineering
Handle PII data
Storing customer data
Ideation sessions with your CAB
Broad customer surveys
Open ended customer interviews
Engagement with Marketing and Design
Sharing plans with internal stakeholders
Hypothesis exploration and Concept Testing
Draft a customer experience model
An articulation of the plan of record (1 to 2 pages)
Build your product iteration milestone
Each milestone must be a complete feature set
The feature must be tested with customers and iterated through experimentation
A set of documentation that can be shared and socialized with your stakeholders
Lastly, OKRs and metrics to track the progression
Flexible design
This is extremely important to ensure you land your deadlines on time
Identify all the intra/inter team dependencies
Always have a plan B if dependencies are not met
Bring your stakeholders along
Build a detailed project plan
You can start with early dogfood exercise with your stakeholder team
You can introduce early private preview with your CAB audience
Do regular check-ins with your dependency partners and customers
Maintain Risk register
For every risk identify if there is a mitigation plan
Identify workaround and consult your stakeholders
For each of the product area, you need to identify team members and their super power
One team member will be good in design while the other could be a master in testing & finding bugs
Provide ownership and authority to team members to execute their work.
Stand up attendance and sprint planning
Active participation in listening channels
Ongoing status comms and highlighting of risks
OKR creation and monitoring
Once you are ready with early feature design complete, get this into testing
Activate all listening systems to get feedback
Surveys, customer interviews, like/dislike buttons on your feature forms.
You will now get feedback on features, what works-doesn`t work.
You will also get enhancement requests
Prioritize all the incoming feedback.
Identify which features to be shipped vs backlog
Try to keep your changes as minimal as possible
Validate with your stakeholders
Socialize with your leadership
This is needed for you to scale
Start delegating each area of operations to a dedicated team
Each team will lay their principles of operations
Model should range from customer support to infrastructure live site to supply chain management to engineering management
Figure out the story you want to tell regarding your product's bigger purpose.
Display customer testimonials, case studies, and other social evidence to positively frame your new product.
Create a social and email campaign
Use blog posts, email marketing, social media, and other channels of distribution to increase interest and demand for your digital product.
Make sure you keep the product team in the loop on your marketing plans. The product team could have insights that inform your overall marketing campaign.
Engaging and clear communications
Story telling about the product, vision, customer, problem, and strategy.
Track Monthly Active usage.
Customer retention analysis
Survey – NSAT score
Availability & Reliability metrics
Support data – how many tickets.
From your listening systems – get ahead
Customer retention analysis
Survey results
Support tickets
Live site incidents
In-market bugs
Divya Kamath, Microsoft Product Leader