A Scalable Approach to Product Discovery by Atlassian Sr PM, Dr. Hendrik Thomas

A scalable approach to product discovery is very important, due to the fact that the perspective of employees is very relevant now. The idea is to focus on the client's pain points. To create a really good product, you need to focus on the implementation, the people who use it, and on finding customers.

Gartner Hype Cycle Model

The model starts with the launch of innovation, and at its core is always the problem of getting in touch with the customer or creating the goals you are trying to achieve.

Then a new technology, a new idea, more expectations, because you have new victories and the idea sounds good. These victories inflate expectations until you reach the peak, and then you fall into the abyss of disappointment, because all expectations cannot be met at once and you identify certain problems and tasks slow down.

As time goes by, more people don't accept any technology ideas, more wind stories come out, and you understand the best operating model. More and more people find value in it, and at some point its performance reaches a plateau and the values ​​are recognized and accepted by everyone.

This model shows quite well all the stages that you will need to go through.

Our discovery doesn't Align with our products. 

  • Manual 

  • Time – Consuming 

  • Feature / Problem focused 

  • Limited to single products 

  • Overrating of anecdotes 

  • Users are excluded 

Employee centric directed discovery 

Who do we need to interview?

Principles of Feedback Management

Focus on Raw Data

The Power of ONE

Feedback comes is many forms

Voting vs. Feedback

Rank Your Feedback

When to collect feedback?

Always - Make feedback review a daily activity!!!

Align with others

What can we take away from this?

  • Start with your own research

  • Use tools to automate and scale

  • Share, Share, Share

  • Focus on the entire journey

  • Go wide & always look back!!!

It's not over yet. If you continue to develop, you will receive more and more data. Continue to work almost daily because customer pain points develop and you learn something new and it will be easier for you to share new knowledge. It is a communication tool at its core to help engage and motivate you as well as your team.

Dr. Hendrik Thomas, Atlassian Sr PM